today, 10th March 2009.
today, AhLu passed away.
i can still remember the day when AhLu
1st came to my aunt's house.
she's running about, curious about everything.
last time, we'll spot her weeping alone,
perhaps missing her former owner.
from urinating on the floor,
my aunt trained her to clear her bowels in
the toilet,
listening to our instructions like- sit! come!
come eat! bathe!(bongbong) insects!(gaga)
here!(neh) byebye! herbal oil!(qing1 cao3 you2)
and others.
still remember when we said "qing cao you",
she'll walk away swiftly, because she's afraid of tt.
now, we could no longer hear her welcoming barks
when we reached the house,
the noise of the tingling bell when she walked around.
we could no longer see her stretching as she woke up,
could no longer see how happily she wagged her tail.
we could no longer feel her licking our legs,
could no longer touch her furry hairs.
we could no longer see the happiness when she had her meal,
could no longer see her rushing to the door to see who passed by.
we could not see how she drank her water from the big tank,
could not see the expression of her sleeping face.
do not feel lonely alone up there,
you'll always be in our hearts. always.
Rest In Peace, AhLu.
end of post
8:32 AM
hello! finally feel like updating after some time..
emm.. is getting high marks a sin?
obviously everyone would say no.
haiz everytime when i get back my testpapers
and feel quite happy about it, i just noe tt i must
not show my happiness, even a smile.
got back our Amaths common test paper.
was quite happy with my results.
then, ppl asked for my marks.
some compliments like.. "woa, so high..." came by.
must i say, "heehee, so happy!" or "hahs ok lar.."
obviously if i choose the fomer, ppl will simply regard
me as "showing-off".
yeapp, i chose the latter.
then, followed by, "walao like tt still say ok.. then what
about me.. you go away la."
lol, but i noe they're just jk
then someone will come and "tsk!" me, blah blah.
really very pekcek lor, dunno what to do.
why is it that when ppl get high marks, they can have
the right to be happy, but i just cant.
its because im afraid to lose my friends.
i feel so insecure when im with the KZs.
i feel that i cannot be my true-self when im with them.
im afraid that i'll do sth wrong and they might just ignore
me for the rest of the days, without telling me what's the
but i've thought it over.
if one day someone dun like me or sth, then i can just save my
care for the person. i have nothing to lose.
argh i dunno how to phrase it correctly.
i know my English sucks, i will improve myself =]
end of post
7:51 AM