em continue the camp thing..
#have breakfast=D !!
#start our water activities
`nature rumble(into the mud!!) -is disguisting de lar+but quite fun
#hmm another water activity:
`there was fire burning our house, across the river;
`so the papa(think is hikal) must save us from the house(father was at the other side of the
`em btws the mama is hazwan.. hahz^^
`then we managed to complete that task
`after the whole activity,
`all of our group members; including the peer leaders and our instructor,
played water in that river. hahz very fun.. [we bullied the peer leaders]..
em btws, the bully part is by order =x
#after that, our next activity should by kayaking..
`but it was raining heavily..
`haiz sian.. this activity is the best activity in the whole camp='( [a lot of ppl say]]
`then we had other activity to replace that~
#have lunch after that=D
#emm then we had one activity..
`which is waterbomb^^
`we needed to build sth to engage the waterbomb
`we split into 2 groups
`sad to sae,
`our group cant even shoot a water bomb successfully..
`cause, ..you noe why =, (thing not built properly)
`then we had a cheer for the instructor at that station..
`hees she told us that our group has the most coordinated cheer.. yeappiE
#then... forgot ler..
#em em.. then we went to the campfire place to practice our campfire item
`we had the -stomp and cheer and dance- performance=)
`hahz quite cool actually=D
`we practiced overtime and we had not much time to bathe,
becos the campfire was about to start in an hour or 2 time..
and other groups had already washed up.. =(
#we had dinner after our bath
#then, everyone proceeded for the campfire! =)
`the whole camp fire was fun!
`emm.. dun wan to elaborate further=)
#then went back to our respective tents to sleep
`hahz then i dun wan to sleep=)
`so i found esther &waiteng
`they lent me their torchlights, then...
`i started jumping on the empty space there in the middle of some tents,
`and shouted "yeay disco!" .. and i kept shining their torches anyhow,
like a real disco =x
`hees . actually wan to wake xh up de.. but esther &waiteng say she sleep like a pig.. so dun wan lahz.. somemore she sleep with peer leader. later kena scolding=x
`then we went to ruiqi's tent and try to trick her, to that she will not sleep and go with us.. out to have -disco- =DD ^^
`hahz then in the end im the first to sleep i think..
`becos too tired le =)
`oh yahz..
`i tried to wake madhuri up, becos she took up esther &waiteng's sleeping place..
`emm dun wan to sae out the method i used lahx..
Day 3
*woke up as usual, 6.30am
*after our breakfast,
*and after the briefing,
*we start to keep the tents...
`haiz keeping thr tents is very tiring=/
`must wipe everything, until NO SAND
`took quite some time to make it perfect..
*then we had the area cleaning..
*after that, our instructor lead us to somewhere,
to do our survey on the whole camp..
*then proceeded to the field..
*gave out the prizes..
*then went back to skool =)
*then go home ler =D
ehh btws our peerleaders are;
#1: hafiz
#2: christel
#3: caroline
#4: atikah
em more info on the camp,
go and see esther's blog=)
-end of story-
end of post
7:40 AM
hees back from camp! =D
em lets start from the begining=)
Day 1;
`briefing in the skool hall
`know our groups(each group consists of different people from different classes)
`set off from skool to the campsite
`the bus took a long tim to reach there..
and i wan to pee!!
`reached the campsite
`put our bags in the canteen
`gather at the small field in front of the canteen
`briefing - again(haiz)
`carry things to the respective places to build a tent(eg. canvas;floor board)
`build tent=)
`settle and put our things into the tent
`have lunch=D
- em.. forget le
`initiative games(is boring de lohx)
- forget le
`rock-climbing[hees] ^^
- ahhz forget le
`then its dinner time i think
`night walk(but our group dun have, we practiced for our campfire item=) )
`bathe(our group was the last one to bathe='(( )
`haiz until midnight then can sleep, while other groups were sleeping soundly)
Day 2;
#wash up at 6.30am
#do morning exercise(sian part)
`tml continuE ^^
end of post
7:07 AM
hahx yesterdae was a fun dae=D
all of us went to the little india and chinatown trip.
after the little india-chinatown trip,
all of us went back to skool.
ShiJia, Sarah, Qiumei(natalie) and me-
went to sarah's house=D
after that,
i went to cut hair=DD
em then its end of dae=)
here are some pics;
btws i took some of them from-
the alien=)
heex. our tour guid=D [hm he's 77 years old]
wee=D he's bringing us to -arcade- =)
one of the flower stall in little india=) campbell lane? -hm dunno=/
hee.. go back to skool=D
hmm i'll post the other pics on the next post=D
end of post
7:45 AM
hm now at project cabin=D
accompaning esther, waiteng, and etc=)
em. this is sth in return for esther=)
yesterdae night, i have a dream!
of esther and.................................................
hmm.. introduction:
Characters: xinhwei, esther, calvin, jiacheng and me=D
Place: in a skool.(but dunno which skool=D)
Story: xh, esther and me was together..
then suddenly Calvin and Jiacheng came..
then dunno why jiacheng get close to esther..
then esther get horny^^
then jiacheng sae he like esther..
then esther.. em i think she accepted=x
hmm.. then their body contacts seemed to be very close(hm dunno lei.. a bit forgotten le)
then.. they hold hands and do all sorts of things la
hm then.. aiyax just very complicated becos dunno where is the place
then at last
i woke up=((
hahx i wanted to continue.. but cant=/
(hm but nvm=D)
hm i noe is crap post
but nvm
at least got sth rite=D
hm okie..\
tell you a secret..
end of post
12:15 AM
em.. todae went out to bugis with xinhwei, waiteng, esther, trevor, jiacheng, calvin & keith to watch spiderman3~!! hahx
em it was fun todae=D after we went to watch movie, we separated into 2 groups: girls ; boys
four of us went to eat at the yoshinoya, while the boys went sakae sushi to eat.. haiz rich=,
then after four of us had eaten, we went up to the sakae sushi resturant to find them.. they are still eating!! trevor was worse.. keep on eating. and somemore he sae he wan to stay there for dunno how many hours.. =, haiz then we all dun care him.. let him stay there himself. then the seven of us went to take neoprint together=D
hahx.. em wasted quite some time.. then settled down to take neoprint.. finally.
hahx it was quite fun during the time when we were taking the photos.. hahx .. lala~~
after that.. we went to decorate the neoprint.. trevor came.. hahx. came at the wrong time =,
em okie.. then the decorating part is also fun.. hahx ^^
em after that.. we went home=D hahx.. em next time i'll post the neoprint up=)
yesterdae after the last paper, we went to tampines mall there and have lots of fun.. for more info, see xh's blog=D
em i will also post the yesterdae's neoprint next time too..
em byes=)
end of post
3:17 AM