HELLO PEOPLE! this is my nth time trying to revive my blog.although my blog is so dead, i'm so thankful that some ppl still care to drop by and take a look(:anyway... MYE had just ended!!!!! like super glad la, happy =Di've been slacking for the whole day.JC life is so stressed lor, its like having O level exams everyday. i can barely finish my tutorials.. =/time to update about myself!to those people that havent read the kazua blog..I TOP MY CLASS FOR GP!! haha for the VERY FIRST TIME in my life. although it was just a small compre test, but im really proud of myself because its like super qi ji!!! so actually, miracles do happen, heheh =)i totally screwed up my Econs MYE essay paper. we're supposed to choose 1 out of 2 questions to answer, and i chose Q1. i started on part(b) first, and was left with the last 5mins to complete part(a), which constitutes 10 out of 25 marks. guess what, instead of doing Q1 part(a), i actually did Q2 part(a) due to my carelessness! argh like super blur la! haiz i only hope tt i can pass my Econs..and.. i became the new guitar president! i can only conclude tt, its quite stressful at times =/ if you're keen to noe the reasons, feel free to visit the kazua blog =) anyway, i will try my best to make everyone love the CCA, help everyone in need and of course, set a good example for my fellow guitar members(:hmm i really miss everything a lot, a lot. just now when i was clearing my phone inbox, i feel happy but at the same time, sad.i really enjoyed reading those sweet conversations, best wishes from everyone and many others.however, i feel tt im drifting apart from all my friends. i really miss those little conversations with them, be it encouragement or little reminders. i miss my friends.i dunno why but i actually cried just now, thinking of all the happy moments that i had with my friends. however, ppl do change and parting with friends is inevitable.i really cherish my primary school friends, CO friends, PA friends, secondary school friends, shijia, sarah, shahirah and gang, YObrotherz, KAZUAs, angel and gang, jiacheng nicholas and gang,(to sum up, the whole 4C), mabelle and gang, music &leadership camp peeps, ppl whom i meet outside school, friends of friends, and the list goes on. andand not forgetting my current JC friends.. Amanda, shuang, clarice, guan and gang, xiumai and gang, weicong, sam.. many many more.before i end, i just wanna thank everyone, even you've made little impact in my life(:haiz so sad i missed the YObrother gathering, i miss you all. hope you all will have one again =)i really miss CO a lot =/kzs, looking forward to our next outing during the june holidays :)
end of post
4:36 AM
sorry, i have no faith in you.
end of post
7:37 AM
haiz, still cant get over my lost phone.
i lost my phone the next day after Ah Lu passed away.all the cute photos of Ah Lu has gone..pictures tt i took when i last saw herand now its gone.all my contacts, things tt i stored in drafts, the planners in my calender,music, videos..haiz i miss the presence of my phone.sometimes i'll think.. will she miss me? lol although it sounds retarded, but.. yeapp =S
haiz i dropped my phone while walking to Eunos mrtfrom home. lost my EZlink card too, but tts fine.i cried all the way from the mrt train [after talking tomy father on the phone] in skool hall, in class, in canteen..i'll think of my lost phone whenever ppl asked me whyam i so sad.im really grateful tt my parents didnt scold me at all.when i told my mother tt i felt sad for the whole day, she gave me a "awww.." expression, and asked meif i've paid attention in class in the morning.QianNing is so comical lar, she consoled me by saying tt she'd lost 4 phones in a year before.
actually at that point of time, i really dun mind ppl throwingmy phone away(but i dun think this will ever happen), but just dun invade my privacy.im really mad at myself for not taking care of my phone.after talking to guowei, i felt much much better, cause at least there's somebody who understands how i feel..i feel tt when i told ppl tt i'm sad because i lost my phone, ppl will just think tt.. its just because of a phone?? ohh..
haiz ppl will normally cherish things when they're gone.
jUnz-_<™;hahs okie sure! =)
RuiQi;hahs thnx =]
nicholas;lol, its not you.. =)
yao;hahs thanks, the story of your dogis so funny =D
ME! =);lol its not him, emm thnx =]
Jiajie;hahs see you soon!
Fengyi;hahs okie =)
jUnz-_<™;lol okie =)
eugene;you were there too?? how come didnthave the chance to listen o.O
Shirley(: ;okie =)
Jasmine(: ;hahs okie sure =)
yourJUNIOR;hahs! icic.. must play your pipa well okie!! do your family proud =]
Fengyi; hahs miss you too, get well soon!! =)
huiling;heh happy be-lated valentines day to you too, okie sure =]
an ex-classmate;lol, hahs thnx^^
jUnz-_<™;hahs okie, will relink soon =)
b-Randon;hahs okie, will relink =) emm.. since when im naughty = P
JiaHui; guowei; SINGHUI;happy real belated CNY =S
end of post
7:30 AM
today, 10th March 2009.
today, AhLu passed away.
i can still remember the day when AhLu
1st came to my aunt's house.
she's running about, curious about everything.
last time, we'll spot her weeping alone,
perhaps missing her former owner.
from urinating on the floor,
my aunt trained her to clear her bowels in
the toilet,
listening to our instructions like- sit! come!
come eat! bathe!(bongbong) insects!(gaga)
here!(neh) byebye! herbal oil!(qing1 cao3 you2)
and others.
still remember when we said "qing cao you",
she'll walk away swiftly, because she's afraid of tt.
now, we could no longer hear her welcoming barks
when we reached the house,
the noise of the tingling bell when she walked around.
we could no longer see her stretching as she woke up,
could no longer see how happily she wagged her tail.
we could no longer feel her licking our legs,
could no longer touch her furry hairs.
we could no longer see the happiness when she had her meal,
could no longer see her rushing to the door to see who passed by.
we could not see how she drank her water from the big tank,
could not see the expression of her sleeping face.
do not feel lonely alone up there,
you'll always be in our hearts. always.
Rest In Peace, AhLu.
end of post
8:32 AM
hello! finally feel like updating after some time..
emm.. is getting high marks a sin?
obviously everyone would say no.
haiz everytime when i get back my testpapers
and feel quite happy about it, i just noe tt i must
not show my happiness, even a smile.
got back our Amaths common test paper.
was quite happy with my results.
then, ppl asked for my marks.
some compliments like.. "woa, so high..." came by.
must i say, "heehee, so happy!" or "hahs ok lar.."
obviously if i choose the fomer, ppl will simply regard
me as "showing-off".
yeapp, i chose the latter.
then, followed by, "walao like tt still say ok.. then what
about me.. you go away la."
lol, but i noe they're just jk
then someone will come and "tsk!" me, blah blah.
really very pekcek lor, dunno what to do.
why is it that when ppl get high marks, they can have
the right to be happy, but i just cant.
its because im afraid to lose my friends.
i feel so insecure when im with the KZs.
i feel that i cannot be my true-self when im with them.
im afraid that i'll do sth wrong and they might just ignore
me for the rest of the days, without telling me what's the
but i've thought it over.
if one day someone dun like me or sth, then i can just save my
care for the person. i have nothing to lose.
argh i dunno how to phrase it correctly.
i know my English sucks, i will improve myself =]
end of post
7:51 AM
Happy Chinese New Year to all! =D
26th Jan-
i wan to talk about some woman...
she simply likes to flaunt, show off
her "power" because she holds a
high post in some area, ESPECIALLY
to girls. whereas to guys, she just
let them go or just make a casual
remark on the mistake tt they'd made.
Zz! bimbo.
stayed overnight in malaysia on the
first day of new year.
i seriously feel that my mission to go there is
to feed the mosquitoes/insects.
now my left leg has 4 insect bites tt are
clustered together, and 8 insect bites on
my right leg, tts clustered together!!
its so depressing..
the insect bites are getting darker..
i really dun wan to leave scars on my legs..
i feel that i have ugly legs now.
dunno why, but just feel like crying when i
started to think of how ugly my legs will be.
the feeling is like when you've lost sth
and now i dun have the confidence to wear
shorts or shirts anymore.
ppl around me just simply said tt it'll
recover, it'll recover.. but it dun seem to be.
WEDNESDAY; 28th Jan.
THURSDAY; 29th Jan.
felt so lethargic for the whole day.
had normal skool lesson, then an English
workshop on argumentative writing,
then physics extra lesson, followed by
sending phone for repair, lastly tuition till
9pm.. went aunt's house to have dinner,
and finally reached home approx. 11pm.
havent done my chinese compo yet, and
its going to be 1am soon.. (now)
tml.. FRIDAY;
normal lesson, -do chinese P2 WHOLE paper
CO, then go help out for chingay, till late.
9.30am tuition..
go study with lumwt they all..(if there's time)
maybe going chinhow's house for some party
or go some ppl's house with family.
go help out for the chingay thing..
maybe going mrboo's house take angbao,
go ppl's house with family,
common test.. argh =S
end of post
7:35 AM
RuiQi the cameraman

lols shanna and her *donkey* ahhh lumwt has contracted with the disease!!
Chinese New Year celebration in skool today.
Jixiang finally sang on stage! with nelson.
i think it takes quite a lot of courage to sing on stage..
and you noe what, grace asked me to sing with her
on stage sometime! omg tts scary =S
wahaha saw my ex-neighbour!
if you all could remember the host for the Chinese
dance and wushu thingy during the CNY celebration
in skool, he's the one! hahs so high. alalalaaa~
went to the swensens at the air-port
to have lunch with the KZs today.
SO FUN, so happy =)
we were like mad ppl, laughing like no one's business.
and Grace forgot to take her medicine at 3pm again-
medicine for mental illness. tsk.
end of post
8:04 AM
i love shi jia and sarah =)
HELLO! hahas21st January; HAPPY KAZUA 1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY!!!so fast one year alr..looking forward to another 2years, 5years, 10years! =Dps. thnx grace and enci for the KZ anniversary presents! =)talking about this.. last weeki just met my best friend last time who i've known for 12 yearswe'd been in the same kindergarten and primary skool, [K1, K2, Pri1, Pri2,] -but i've transfered skool when i wasin Pri3.. and the cool thing is..she actually lives in the same block as me!same unit number too, just 3 floors difference. heh i think this is the best present god has gave me..to share the same childhood memories with someone whoyou're still keeping in touch with, after 12 years.. =]this few days, i feel so lonely inside.. especially in skool =/
end of post
7:43 AM
Swensons! with JiaCheng, Fatimah, Anabelle,Jita, Adi, Imran, Hikal, Shermaine and lumwt!-we went to the SP and NYP open house together.*not in pic- Esther &her friend and Grace.
im really very sorry to say but... Adi look likea horse in the pic =X

A close up pic of the front of the centipede.wriggly~

A centipede found in my storeroom =S
hello! hmm went PA.
the Chingay practice is so cool,
the drums..
Things owing-
>Grace - $2
>Jun An - $1
>Fengyi - $6
>YinChow - $not sure yet
>Shanna - birthday present
>Amalina - birthday present
i love Liang Zhu =)
okie! ahmah =) hahs^^
jUnz- <;
hahs okie =]
lol! heh okie you too^^
hahs okie lar, =)
heh NO! = P
HAH! i noe mummy is here =D
sean &guowei;
lols! heh alright =)
hihi!!!^^ hahs =]
end of post
8:16 AM
Today is seriously not my day.
i admit that im clumsy.
okie.. i decided not to bring my instrumentto skool because i know there's an extra LQin skool.DURING CO- one of the LQ tt my junior isusing, was spoilt. so mrsbooasked me if we have extra LQ in the CO room.i said dun have, and told her tt my LQ is at home.then she.. reprimanded me.HAIZ.
then, while we're having break, i went to play the erhu and left my phone there,without taking my phone with me.then i went to play the cello until mrboo came back.i put the cello back clumsily, and... "pom!" i thought i've knocked down a cello.but luckily, it was the "gong" that dropped.
i was finding my phone up and down frantically,then i accidentally touched a cello.then one of its string losened."sorry sorry sorry!!" i said~then.. another string was loosened.haiz apologised, and i went away.
tripped over a music stand, and i accidentallystepped on my LiuQin! argh.i thought only the strings are loosened, but actually the LQ's head came off. then i turned around.MR AND MRSBOO were both looking at mesternly. booz..mrsboo gave me the fierce stare.haiz in the end i have to pay for the repair cost.
actually im not sad tt i broke the LQ.my father asked me to quit my Emaths tuitionbecause he said its expensive, no money. and now, he's going to pay for this.haiz. sorry.
My sister got back her O level result.she's not even eligible for a single Poly course.haiz sad for her.
end of post
7:48 AM
AHH actually wanted to post a pic of
a millipede.. but no time.
skool has started and im a SEC4 now!
time really do flies~
i still remember having fun with my friends
in primary skool..
took my PSLE..
first day of secondary skool life..
2008- had the most enriching Nov/Dec holiday
-played WII for the first time! (i noe im slow =x)
[hahs bowling is my favourite game^^]
-stayed overnight outside, twice in a month
-stayed overnight at friend's house for the first time!
-countdown with friends for the first time!
-seen through a person
-attended PA camp
-talked to SHIJIA on the phone!! although its only
once, but its rare =/ [ps. i love shijia =D]
-had the first KAZUA outing!
[went singing^^]
-made new friends!
-felt a millipede on my leg. slimy~
-watched 2 CO concerts with friends
-had BBQ with some of my primary skool friends!
-went for the CO leadership camp and
got to know guowei, faith, eugene, bryan and friends!
-went to friend's birthday party
-played badminton with friends!
-went ppl's house to play mahjong
-catched movie with friends
-went grace's house to bake cake on KZ's day!
[okie.. although i didnt help out but.. i paid for it]
-and others!
and now 2009.......
must study hard for O level!!
#i dun wan -someone to compare me with others
and conclude tt im the lousy one.
#i wan to earn lots of money! =D
#i dun wan to regret not studying hard enough
#i dun wan to let ppl down, and most importantly,
not to let myself down =]
end of post
7:25 AM
you seriously DON'T FIT to be an elder sister.
end of post
6:30 AM
new year resolution; currently-
2008-FORMED KAZUA GANG!#1 waiteng - the joker#2 grace - apple(because of her hair)#3 shanna - hero SUCKS!#4 enci - pek cek(cause her full name is PEC)#5 ruiqi - duck!#6 me! - BEST.^^ HOW THE NAME -KAZUA- CAME ABOUT;
on 21st January, ruiqi &waiteng saw a cockroachin the peer studio.then, i saw a cockroach in the girl's toilet.at home, i saw a cockroach again.SO, i think tt cockroaches and us are FATED, (anyhow)so we decided to form a group called KAZUA GANG, and made the 21st of each month, KAZUA DAY!
hahs so cool right^^
PRESENTS OWING;# ahmah's birthday present# shanna's birthday present# pekcek's birthday present
ARHHHH!! i feel tt you're trying to snatch things away from me =(
end of post
8:20 AM

cousin &i
SHANNA'S chalet.

eeew! shanna's smelly legs! *pinch nose*
pictures took when we're bowling =)

ME! hahs
end of post
7:33 AM
GALE &i !^^ when we're playing the treasure hunt. hahs fun game! =)

hahs fun shot! =)

Me, Justin, Yinchow &gale! =)we took this JUST before meiting
hurry us back to our bed..

boys dom =)

the basketball court! we played captain'sball there. SO FUN! love it. and.. who're
those 2 ppl?? SCANDAL!!!

an artistic view taken by justin the pig =,

the corridor! SO COOL RIGHT, it looks like a cross! X

the BBQ pit =) 
the hall, we had our CO practices there.picture taken before we set off back home!

Female dom

the kitchen! loads of food^^ but you cant see any now cause they'd
all been kept/taken back to bus
havent been updating for quite some time..
PA camp is so fun...
the games are FUN and ENRICHING! =)
actually i dun really like me group..
the ppl in other groups are like so..
but ours.. haiz, a little sianded.
but NVM.
i PERSONALLY feel tt our skit was rather
boring, compared to the other groups.. =S
argh when we're playing wet games on a field,
there's this reddish-brown 8cm millipede
happily came crawling on my leg thinking tt
its taking a stroll! EWW tts so
disgusting... =S
when we playing- throwing of water bombs,
Victor Ho accidentally threw a waterbomb
which flew 100m far and hit my little eye =(
its like.. the aiming so GOOD hor, it landed
JUST NICE on my left eye.
i cant open my eye lor, then i somehow let out
some tears. xiao qing, grace and william were there too.
and XIAO QING is so caring, she actually made me
a hot milo to drink, LOVES!
went Chinhow's house made 2 new FRIENDS today!
lols praveen is so funny, his expressions..
and he plays CHEAT well! hahs
going his house tml.. play wii!!
heehee =)
I feel tt im no other but just another little girl in your eyes..
faithalogy ;D ;
hahs THNX! you too^^
hahs yeapp, of course!! =DD
lols! hey sorry i took so long to reply
and you're alr back from vietnam.. =o
hahs hellos!! =)
heys hello! hahs yea, got^^
hahs YEA! cool ma, =)
hahs okie sure! =D nopnop~
hahs you mean me? or you..?
hahs yea yea! sama sama =)
end of post
7:36 AM
AFTER tuition, went shanna's house.took a nap at her house.and i dreamt of shanna! lolsi kept dreaming of her, dunno why.even after i went back to dreamlandeverytime when i was awaken, i still dream of her.haiz.. curse
went to watch a CO concert by one of a school from Malaysia =)went with Gale, Guowei, Faith, other Temasek Sec ppl, and Justin.Saw 2 of the leadership camp ppl! i think its ban loon &one more guy if not wrong o.O
went to watch a SCO concert =)
Raudah, Me, Huizhen, MrBOO, Millennia, Weiling, Jasmine =]
Justin &Guowei

heh we met YanYan &her friend there too =)

Weiling &i^^
OFF TO PA CAMP! coming back on
either Sunday night or Monday =)
*you're my motivation =]
end of post
8:23 AM